Monday, February 25, 2013


Some days I really have no idea where to begin.  I want the weight to just fall off, but it never seems to work that way... I have been working on my weight and myself for a solid 8 weeks at this point.  This is the longest I've ever stuck with it.  Usually it's a 2-3 week process and I'm over it because I haven't lost anything.  I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made, I just wish I could get some of the weight off.  I'm losing inches... like crazy too!  I just wish they would take the pounds with them when they left.
I've been struggling the past couple of weeks too... I think "oh i'm working out, I can just eat whatever."  Well I'm paying for it now.  I feel like POOOOOOOOP.  So today I "started over."  
If there is one thing I've learned in my life, it's to take it one day at a time.  One hour at a time or even one minute at a time too.  I have to do what is right for me, and not right for everyone else.
So here's to finding my motivation again... :) 

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