so week 3... Week THREE of running...I started this week off actually running when I was out of town. I NEVER exercise when i'm on vacation or when i go to my mom and dad's. I end up eating horrible and feeling like a hot mess. Or I'm only exercising one hand lifting a drink to my mouth and back down again.
Anyways... i made it a point to get out and run while I was at my Mom's and in LaCrosse for Casey's wedding shower. I got up early to go, and Mom informed me that they don't necessarily live in the best area... well ok then, this should be fun lol! So I started going, thinking 3 minutes this time, 3 minutes. In. A. Row. I didn't think I would even be able to come close. I had run 2 minutes, but not 3... I'm amazed at how fast your body picks up on something and strengthens itself. I started going, and pushed and pushed to get to that 3 minute mark. I'm sure most of you are thinking, 3 minutes? Seriously? YES. I'm a fat kid who is trying to run... what do you want from me?! So I am done with my warm up and I see some people starting to come out of the woodwork ... it is now 8:00 in the morning, so most of the hangovers have kicked in at this point. I see a lady speed walking, I see another lady with her backpack trying to drink a coffee and walk at the same time. (I hope it's not hot)! Then i see a man walking his little white fluffy dog up and down the street opposite me. He has GOT to have a watermelon with a basketball on top hiding under his shirt... he's huffing and puffing and ER MER GERD... he's crossing the street and coming towards me! EEEK! I don't want to cross the street because then it will be blatantly obvious that I'm avoiding him and that's just RUDE. So i continue pushing to my 2nd round of 3 minutes when I meet him. And he says, "Dang GIRL...You've got way more ambition than I'll ever have! Nice work and Good Morning! I think I'll walk a little faster" LOL...Well good morning to you fine sir. and to your little fluffball! Again, someone to just say one little thing makes all the difference! Thank you RUN Double lady for telling me I can FINALLY walk, and thank you odd shaped man for your "good morning." You have just proved to me that not everyone in my Mom's neighborhood is crazy, and that maybe I can motivate, and maybe I can make someone want to push a little harder...
Casey's shower went great and we had a lot of fun! That was 2 months ago already... that's how far behind I am. Her bachelorette party was ridiculously fun. I crammed more into one day than I think we ever imagined!
This past weekend was the SIDS walk...we put a lot of effort and work into it over the past few months and it really went great! I had some FANTASTIC Co-Workers come out to support us, and I believe Taryn had a little pull in keeping the rain away until we were almost done! It was a success and we were all glad it went so smoothly!
More to come on week 3 later... new shoes come in this week... my PUMAs retired... lol!
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