SO ... THE ICE CREAM TRUCK. Here I am all motivated, and for once in my life starting a second week of something (remember how I said I usually am off the wagon by Thursday? Well LISTEN OREGON TRAIL OF RUNNING... I'm staying on the wagon and I'm beating this snake bite and dyptheria!!) anyways... i've fallen off my blog wagon now...I get started with my little warm up walk and I have my playlist going (probably on to Pistol Annies by now...I love me some Miranda Lambert!!) and keep thinking there is something wrong with the song. I keep hearing this carnival like sing song noise... but there is no carnival. Once I start running I realize that I can still hear this noise with every song. So I start looking around as I'm running and catch the faint glimmer of a popsicle out of the corner of my eye. And then I see it.

It's just creeping down the next street over having a lovely time taunting me. Here I am, fat girl dragging from the axel of the wagon just waiting to fall off and break my arm and not have enough meat to survive the trail, and here's an ICE CREAM TRUCK. BAH! I still have over half my run left when it turns the corner and begins to follow me. And then of course it passes me... so now I look like the sweaty fat girl chasing an ice cream truck in slow motion (I don't run fast, it's more of a light jog or prance). SERIOUSLY. Somehow I make it through though. I see it almost the entire time I'm running. LOVELY. If that isn't a test of patience and motivation I don't know what is.
Oh and I also finished my run at the bottom of a hill again...only to make it home and be outside stretching when the Ice Cream Truck comes rolling down my street. I couldn't have escaped if I tried! lol...
So the moral of the story is...don't get dyptheria or cholera and fall off the wagon. We are all going to have things that test our motivation and our patience. It's all in how we react to the situation and how big or small of things we let get to us! I used to let all kinds of little things eat at me, (and I know I still do need to pick my battles wisely), but I think I've come a long way. I could have easily given up that day and gone back to my bowl of ice cream a night habit, but I chose not to. I chose to lace up my pumas again and head back out (my knees hate me at this point too).
That's all for now on the running...
Here's a funny little story for you... Watson got the poops. and I mean BAD. We have a brown shag rug. (You can see where this is going). I did not see said poops with my eyes, but with my bare feet bright and early at 6:15 in the morning. John tried to spray down the rug and let it air dry, but we brought it in too early and it made the whole house smell like mildewy musty gross-ness. I took the rug back outside and then it FINALLY rained (we got it in the garage first) and now the garage smells horrible. I believe our nice rug is officially ready to be thrown away. And now I'm sick. Like Sinus infection, the rug grew mold overnight and attacked my face sick. NOT PLEASANT. THANKS 106 degree heat too!
Ok I'm done now... :o)
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