Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Watch me get skinny days 2 and 3

So days 2 and 3 were just about as exciting as day 1.  I could feel myself getting stronger with every step I took (ok maybe not that dramatic...) but I did feel better already!  Run #2 I decided to take a different route and ended up running DOWN the massive hill that is the next street over from us.  I may or may not have gotten too much momentum coming down... we'll leave that between me and the birds.  And all the people that live on that street.  And the construction workers.  woopsies.  Anyways... i distinctly remember this day as being ridiculously HOT.  and I went in the middle of the day.  BAD CHOICE.  I did take water this time!!  But I drank it somewhere between run double lady telling me I was half way, and my little jaunt down the hill.  And this run is also where I find myself starting the them of ending my runs at the bottom of 4 possible hills that lead to my house.  Why can't I ever just end at the top!??! That would be too easy.  STOOPID HILLS.

On to day 3... this day was much more exciting for me.  I started out this run doing well, and I'm up to 2 minutes already... I KNOW... Champion runner RIGHT HERE <----- anyways...I'm oot and aboot on my run and I managed to get to the top of a hill without passing out or almost falling, so, so far this is a successful run.  I did have to walk a little bit, but I decided to push myself a little harder too and I pep talked my rusty pumas into getting me a little bit farther the next time around.  I wanted to make run double lady give me some good news at the end of my next interval... haha!  So I'm about half done with my run and I pass some older gentlemen discussing whatever it is that old men discuss (I can about imagine), and I get about 2 blocks away and one of the older gentelmen was out for a run (you can about imagine how awesome I feel about to be lapped by an old man while I'm thinking "OH MY GOD I NEED TO REALLY QUIT SMOKING"). and I hear the faint call of "HEY RUNNER!!"  I think... "he can't possibly be talking to me..." But low and behold... he has caught up to me.  AWESOME.  But he asked me if I was just starting out (was it that obvious?! lol!) and I managed to huff and puff out "yes, I just signed up for The Color Run and I figured after 2 babies (and 15 years of unhealthy habits) it was time to get my ass in gear."  He asked me what the color run was and I explained it the best I could without passing out, and he said he'd check it out.  Glad I could pass on some fun! :) But then as he was about to turn his corner and I was about to forget where I was going, he said...

"whatever you do, don't get discouraged! Keep going, you will be glad you did!"  

I can't tell you how much this statement has changed my thinking about working out and running in general.  After everything we've been through in the past 3 years, that one statement changed my entire outlook on myself and how I should be getting healthy.  This man forever changed my attitude towards working out and I am forever grateful.  He may have just saved my life and I hope one day we will pass each other, or I'll get to run a half a block with him again so I can say Thank You.  To have a total stranger give you that motivation and make you feel like you can really do this, is and was phenomenal and exactly what I needed at that point.  

Anyways...just a side note... this week is shaping up to be the week from hell.  It seems like if it's going to go wrong, then it will and has or is lol... I'm about at the laughing point of it all.  And tomorrow marks 2 1/2 years since Taryn died.  I can't believe it has been 2 1/2 years.  It's hard to look back some days and some days it's easier to look at where we've come.  I still have rough days here and there, and I still cry and just want to lay in bed all day, but I know my Angel is watching over me... Love you and Miss you Tare-Bear!!

1 comment:

Dr. Watson