Saturday, August 6, 2011

In the beginning

I always seem to have a million things on my mind, and the hardest time focusing on what to bring to the front.  I'm never sure where to start or what to comment on first, and today doesn't seem to be any different.  I think I'll start with what I know. 

I know that I'm about to give birth (literally any day now), and I'm excited and terrified all at the same time.  Our Daughter Taryn  was born healthy and beautiful on November 3rd, 2009, and after 3 unbelievably happy and scary months was taken from us during her afternoon nap on January 25th, 2010 to be an Angel.  It's taken us 18 months to get to this point of calm and acceptance and now the roller-coaster is about to begin again.  I know we are leaving our thoughts with God, and that he will make sure everything is ok, but it is extremely terrifying to know your child can die unexpectedly, and then try and start over again.  I also know that in some way, shape or form she visits us and causes trouble, and (weird as it may seem) makes her presence known via Watson (our lhasa-poo with more personality than some people I know).

I know that I LOVE to read Good Housekeeping and Better Homes and Gardens, and that I dream of having my house look like it was taken right out of a magazine someday.  Somehow I know that won't be anytime soon, and when I look at one thing my mind moves on to 35 other things that I'd like to do.  I really need to start making a "list of ideas" and then put "pictures with the lists" so I remember what I like lol...

I know that I LOVE to cook and bake and that I'm darn good at it!  I can eye-ball most of my recipes and have the ability to randomly throw things together and make them taste good.  So I'll be sharing my "random recipes" from time to time, especially when I find something that must be made again. 

I also know that life is hard and that things don't come easy.  If you want to succeed at something you have to work at it.  With a lot of patience (which I lack) and a lot of prayer anything can happen!

Oh and one last thing I know... 30 consecutive days of 95 degree heat will kill all of your outside flowers if you forget to water them.  And bunnies are the devil on earth when it comes to vegetables and trying to grow ANYTHING.

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