Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year... A New Outlook

Well we are starting out the new year with some issues... Both Marilyn and I are/were sick with bad chest colds and bronchial infections.  The poor little peanut even has to be on one of those nebulator things... UGH.  Anyways... with the new year always comes a time of new beginnings and new goals.  After the trainwreck that was the holidays for us, I've decided we need a few changes.

1.  We WILL eat better.  I am learning to like vegetables.  It's taken me almost 28 years to appreciate a good vegetable and I may not like all of them, but I'll at least try them!  I am DEFINITALY having my "pot" garden this year... and no not that kind of "pot." lol... I just want to plant tomatoes and peppers and a few herbs so I can make salsa... so maybe I should redefine it as a "salsa" garden. 

2.  We will make time for each other as a family.  We seem to have lost the meaning of "family."  From arguing to ignoring to just not appreciating having one another, it's time for a change and we need to get back to the foundation of who we are as a couple.

3.  I will be more crafty and frugil (FROO-GUL).  Pinterest is addicting and has A LOT of great ideas, but making our own laundry soap and dish detergent may  just save us a few pennies in the long if it only had a way to keep a money tree alive we'd be in business.

4.  I will be an excellent Maid of Honor to my bestest friend!

5.  I will make Marilyn the happiest baby I possibly can.  (This should probably be #1, but I'm writing this out as I think of it). 

I'm sure there will be more to come at some point.  Anyways... throughout the month of December we (a friend and myself) held a fundraiser to purchase sleepsacks for the babies born in Mercy and Methodist hospitals for the last week of January.  We raised enough to purchase 200 sleepsacks and will give them in memory of Taryn and Brock! So exciting to give and to know there are so many people out there that are willing to help a good cause!  It made Christmas that much better this year!

It is my goal to take it one day at a time and to not freak out over the little things that we don't have control over.  I know God is there to help and is always there when I least expect it... which reminds me we REALLY need to find a church.  And get Marilyn baptized... FOCUS.  I NEED FOCUS this year lol...


Dr. Watson